
Showing posts from 2015

Just Another Post #1

Just Another Post #1 Just Another Post #1 Lately, I have been reading a lot of books.No,Not the College books..But,story books ! Call me a bookworm, I don't care,for i just love to read books. I don't read books of a particular genre. I read random books. Say fiction,Literature,Humor, etc. You know bloggie, sometimes I regret wasting so much of time in the past. I whiled away the precious time by spending it on wrong persons, un-necessary things and activities. I wish I could go back to the past via a time machine and punch myself so hard that I gain a little bit of sense. But people used to say right, "Everything Happens for a reason". I'm also thankful to god that atleast now i got my Mind,Body and Soul under control and in Harmony with each other. Bloggie, Do you have any idea about the number of books that I had read during the past six or seven months ?? I don't think you would even have a faintest idea about that, cause you never knew that i had

Road to Recovery ! Part 1

Who am I ? Why was I born ? What is my duty? Why should I live? Ever wondered why you were born in this world ? Do you even know what you are supposed to do in your life? I don't know how far my post will create an impression in your mind. You may find it good and interesting  or you may even find it to be lame and pointless. But I wish it triggers your mind to think for the betterment. ____ There are 3 most important stages in a persons life. 1. Youth - Where one usually dreams  a lot about his future. 2. Middle Age - Where one usually finds himself drowned in work, family etc 3. Old Age - Where one retires from work and spends the rest of his life happily by relaxing. Lets first talk about the Youth age. This age comprises of the teenagers and post teenage persons (20-30) Generally, Such persons dream a lot ! Yes, they  dream a lot about their  future. So how exactly do these people define their "future" ?   People want their future to be C

Book writing on the cards !

It's been several eons since I last posted in this blog No matter how many promises I make to myself, to post stuff In this blog, I fail miserably to keep up them. Lately, I have been under enormous stress. Yes, You guessed it . Work Pressure. Just one week into my Second Year and I already feel the heat. I have to go to college 6 days a week and the remaining one day, Sunday, they give me Million assignments to write and also conduct tests on Monday for which I have to study. Looking at the the Positive side, I feel happy that I have so much of work to do and I secretly wish to God that He will keep me Busy like this all the time. It's perhaps the only way I could distract myself from the Heart wrenching episode that happened in my Life. Also, Thanks to the Books which keep me occupied all the time. It's the only way I could escape the Horrible reality . Books have been my true companions ever since That  Happened . They remind that it isn't the end . Every time

Happiness ?!

Happiness is something which can't be defined. It is a Feeling.  But I don't think people see it that way.  People of today have changed a lot. Their Preferences,  opinions,  Perspectives have changed. When I was a little kid, I used to run/roam around my Mom, Smiling and laughing. I din't have a reason to smile. I just had a huge smile plastered on my face and I was Happy. But as I grew up, I started to associate happiness with Things . When I set my sight on a Cool toy or a play thing, I pester my mom so much, till she obliges to buy me that. I wanted to buy that, as I thought it would make me happy. When I was a kid, I was Happy for No reason. But as I grew up, I needed reasons to be happy. During My teenage, Like everyone else of my age group,  I too had crush, Love etc on the opposite sex. I was attracted to the other person. I started to fantasize about her. I imagined myself living a life with her. I was literally mad on her . But When she was n

Honest Letter to My Old Friend

Dear Anand, I know you must be pretty pissed off since I din't reply to your calls. You must be wondering what happened to me as you haven't heard from me since the day we finished our schooling. This message which you are reading, Holds the answers for all your questions. Please take your time to read this. Fatty ! The day our school got over, I had mixed feelings. One part of me was happy that I have finally finished school successfully and that I will join a good college and work towards my dream . But the other part of me was sad caz, I would no Longer be able to sit and have fun with all my friends under the same roof. I would no longer be able to hang out with my friends who, I have known for more than 6,7 years. The thoughts of that made me wonder why I had grown up so fast. The most memorable part of everyone's life is the School Days.  Can you  believe that we actually spent more than 13 years of our life in school?!! 13 years! Went in a Flash ! Okay.

Sorry Bloggie

Dear Blog,  I Feel so ashamed to talk to you.  I know you won't even pay heed to me.  But Please listen to what I'm about to say.  Every time I start a new blog, I promise to you that I will update the blog on a regular basis and Post often. But I always end up breaking those promises.  I Don't want to say any lame reasons for my inability to post in this blog.  To Be brutally honest with you, I was too lazy to Blog ! Yes. I had ample free time at my disposal. But I Never Utilized that time.  Everyday I wake up in the morning and..umm okay..Afternoon !!  Everyday I wake up in the afternoon and I Watch T.V, Eat junkies, Read Story books and Again I Nod off !  :(  I know how Much i made you sad by breaking all those promises I made to you.  Call me a cheat ! Call me a Useless crap. I deserve it ! On June 5th, My exams are getting over and I will have nearly a month holiday !  Wait  ! I ain't gonna make empty promises now. Just see. I will

Book Addiction ?

My Addiction To Books Went to a Whole New Level :P Ordered Freaking 9 Books in :) Psst. I finished 2 Already *Wink* I Pre-Ordered a Book for the First time in my Life and Guess what i got back as gift :P Durjoy Datta's Signed Copy of his Latest Release ! How cool is that ! I'm So Damn Excited ! For the first time, I can say that Books are making me Happy. However, In the Corner of my mind, there are these thoughts :( " Wish I had someone (Other than My Parents) in my life to Gift me Books Like these. I Yearn for such things to happen in my life. I Might sound a little Desperate.. But Some one out there in the midst of 100 million people, is my Soul mate .. I have staunch faith that she will enter my life and Lighten it up. She May come later in my life, But Eventually she WILL come. "  Do Check Me out At Goodreads -

IT is a Girl Job ! - Personal Opinion

" To be Number 1, You have to be Odd " Seriously Guys ! Im starting to hate these IT companies and also the persons who work there !  IT companies Employ Thousands of Engineers and treat them as Puppets ! These Engineers too Dance to whatever the Company Asks them to do ! The employees are Literally like Toys to the Companies. The companies Employ them, Use them, Get the job done, Pay a small Money as Salary and Finally Chuck them out if they aren't needed anymore ! whats more Shocking is that, People continue to Opt for such Jobs and work for those Companies !  Im living near near SIPCOT which is an IT company Hub !  There are more than 30+ IT companies there and imagine the number of  Employees working there ! Every time i walk along the road i could only see those IT chicks and Guys who literally work there JUST to woo the girls and Flirt with em !  (psstt..have to admit ...IT chicks are quite hot too ;) *tight Formal Shirts*tight pants*Lo

Saving Money Tip 1 - Books

Money Saved is Money Earned  The entire day i had Mood-Swings. I was pretty pissed about myself. I tired reading books,But failed miserably. I was able to read only 50 pages. I slept for a while, yet i was not in my usual self.  My mom, who was seeing me upset, pestered me to go out with her as it would make me feel better.  Since i had nothing much to in house, i accompanied her. We first went to Odyssey.  I headed for the book section, while my mom was window shopping in the cosmetics section. I skimmed through the Book shelves hoping that i could find any books by Indian Authors. I was able to find only Chetan Bhagat and very few books of Durjoy Dutta. I went to the Recently Arrived Section. I found a couple of books which seemed as if they arrived right from the Printing press. Simply i got hold of a random book and saw the price. It was 499 /- rs . I was shell shocked. That was way too much for a book. I found that almost all books in the shop were priced in that r

New Found Love - Books

I serious dunt have any idea of what happened to me . Suddenly i developed interest in reading BOOK's ! A lot of interest ! From a guy who spent almost all his time Sleeping and Watching Movies , I have suddenly turned into a geeky nerdy guy overnight! I wont be surprised if some witch cast a spell on me. Because the only books which i have ever touched in life was my college text books.(Note that i mentioned 'Touch' not 'read' :P ) . I seriously never imagined myself hungry for reading books. Recently, I enrolled myself in a Library near my house. I borrowed a couple of random books by indian authors and i started reading them. To be honest, after reading the first few pages, I started to doubt my confidence. I doubted whether i would really stick to the book and finish it or just forget about it like i always would. But by the grace of Mother of Books  , I started finishing off the books at one go. When i approach the final few pages, i get over excited and st

Smartphones - Greatest Illusion in Life

Dear Blog, I have a confession to make. Ever-since i got hold of a smartphone, I started to show more interest in it more than anything. I remember buying my first smartphone, which was Moto E. I got it the day it was launched in flipkart.Of-course my parents were a little hesitant about getting me a smartphone,Especially my dad.But after heated discussions with dad,i convinced him to buy me a smartphone as it was "Essential" or an integral part of my life. got my Mobile 3 days after i ordered it. For the first few days,I was fiddling with it all night.My mom too advised for the last time, and asked me to take care of my life as everything was in my hands.She couldnt say more,she knew that,I,being an 18 year old ,know whats good and whats not ! For a week i was so excited about the mobile and At that time,I dint have any sort of guilt feeling even when i wasted hours fiddling with it.I felt that it was a necessary gadget,as it helped me to "Connect" with my pee

A Letter to Blogger

Dear Blogger, I Apologize for the inability of me to Post in My previous Blog. To be honest, I did have a lot of free time, But i Wasted the time on Smartphones and Social Networking sites. I feel so Guilty that i dint live up to your expectations. I have been a Jackass all this time. Okay, Instead of Blaming myself, I would like to Put forward my goals and objectives for this new blog . 1. Blog Once EVERYDAY Henceforth, Starting From tomorrow, I will Post everyday. It Might be a Post about an Incident which happened in my life or it can also be a short poem or Short story. It can be anything ! But it should be Meaningful.  2. A Whole New Look  Every Week, I myself will conduct a review of the Posts. The quality of the post and the English Vocabulary and Grammatical stuffs. It will enable me to improve my skills on Writing/Blogging, Expressing my Thoughts and Opinions, Creative Thinking.etc  I will also change the Look of the Blog. I want to keep my blog as sim