Honest Letter to My Old Friend

Dear Anand,

I know you must be pretty pissed off since I din't reply to your calls. You must be wondering what happened to me as you haven't heard from me since the day we finished our schooling. This message which you are reading, Holds the answers for all your questions. Please take your time to read this.

Fatty !
The day our school got over, I had mixed feelings. One part of me was happy that I have finally finished school successfully and that I will join a good college and work towards my dream
. But the other part of me was sad caz, I would no Longer be able to sit and have fun with all my friends under the same roof. I would no longer be able to hang out with my friends who, I have known for more than 6,7 years. The thoughts of that made me wonder why I had grown up so fast.

The most memorable part of everyone's life is the School Days. 

Can you  believe that we actually spent more than 13 years of our life in school?!!
13 years! Went in a Flash !
Okay. Lemme cut this crap !! I sound as if i'm narrating a story.

Anand, I guess we both know each other for 6 years. All these years, We really haven't spoken with each other well, We never used to hangout often. Rarely we used to meet and talk with each other. Even in school, I spent all my time either sleeping in class or playing Cat n mouse game with her ! People used to say, "You won't know the value of something unless you no longer have it" .
That quote describes my life aptly ! For 6 years, we studied together and we lived pretty close to each other. But I never visited your house often nor spoke with you properly.
Work and Commitments were a major hindrance in our friendship. When I was free, You were having CA classes. When you were Free, I was having Tests and Exams. Few days back, You called me I guess. I'm really sorry that I din't call you back. I usually chuck the mobile away when I study. And you, of all people know that, I study at the dying moment. Semesters are going on now. 5 exams finished already and the day before every exam, Whenever I open my text book, I be like.. " YOU KIDDING" . I vaguely remember all those shit which  I had to study and write in exam. I never slept a wink during these exams, I literally became a Zombie. If you still find it hard to believe, Look at the time now. It's 3:30 am and I'm here, Wide awake, Typing all these Shit. So I guess this explains my inability to attend your calls nor call you back. Ofcourse, the reason might seem pretty lame to you,  but do read what i have to say in the next few paragraphs.

Dude, You must be there, Thinking that You are all alone by yourself and that you don't have a Best friend beside you and you must be pretty sad and hurt that the person who you thought would be your best friend forever is no more than a lazy asshole who is in his own world.

Trust me Anand, You have no idea what's going on in my head. You may find it hard to believe, But I think of you every singe day ! Every freaking day !  I always wanted to meet you, Talk to you and hang out with you. But To be honest, I really couldn't do anything but sit inside my house and think of you. We may be miles apart from each other in reality. But in my heart, You are always there..With Me..Where ever I go.  You think I'm just like any other friend who would eventually forget his friends as he grows up?! Fuck No man ! I ain't that kind of guy. To be honest, I got Man Crush on you ! Guys these days are thinking about their lover everday unlike me who think about his guy best friend ! You know anand, I feel that we both have some kind of bonding. What we have is more than  just Friendship. I can feel that. Though we havent met each other for months, I still don't feel like we are apart.

We have a lot in common. We are of the same age (duh! :P ) We were in same school, same class (for few years) , we lived pretty close to each other..We never used to indulge in fights and stuff, we both had great appetite for food :D and :(  We both had a murky shit love life!

People Change, Memories Don't.
We all know that. I know how you must be feeling. It's been months since she left me. But I still think of her every fucking minute of my life. And I don't think i can ever forget her in my life. That applies for you as well i guess. We both have the scars of love in our heart. They never seem to fade away. They will remain in our hearts forever, reminding us every fucking day ! Sometimes, I wish we could go back in time and Change everything. But seeing everything from the optimistic perspective, I guess everything happens for a reason.

We have No control over anything which happens in our life. Our future is uncertain. I guess we are all aware of that. All we can possibly do is to live this moment ! Whatever happened, Happened for good. And Whatever is supposed to happen, Will be for Good. We have to keep this in mind.
I don't think we can move on in Life. I know how much you love her.
Hmm.. I don't want to take you back to the past. All i want to say is, Don't ever think that you are alone in life. I'm always there for you.  I love the company of a boy rather than a girl.  .
I don't know whether this is the aftermath of my love tragedy .. But My soul is dying dude. My heart yearns for something.. My mind, Shrugs it off saying, I'm over Imagining.
I can Fool My mind, But not my Heart. The latter always wins the battle of emotions.

I have changed dude. In all my life, I have spoken to only handful of girls in chat and only one or two in reality. I Quit Whatsapp and Facebook. I Din't want these gadgets take our my mind. Trust me, Smartphones and shits Use us more than we use them ! I Quit all those shit and took up reading. I read books every fucking day. I don't have any idea why I'm reading books nor why I have quit the social networking. Ever since she left me, I became something else. I can feel it dude.
Apart from my family, No one in this fucking world wants me. The feeling of not wanted by anyone, Its horrible dude.

I pretend that i dont need love,,, But It's all i want in my life.

We both have the same pain dude... Pain is a pain. We cant argue whose pain is more and less.
We both are broken souls. We both pretend that we are alright and we are cool.  But we are not.

And you, You took up CA caz it interested you and you wanted to earn more and be happy.
But Tell me honestly, Even if you have a great job, House and stuff..Will you be happy ?!!

We both are in the same road anand.
Although we have everything with us to continue our journey through the road,,,. The destination still eludes us. !

I might have blabbered some shit in this message. But i hope you got a gist of what i said.
I might not call you often and enquire about your well being... I might not come to your house and meet you and hang out with you...In fact, I might not even message you at times....But you are always in my heart <3. Don't ever think I will leave you and go somewhere. I'm with you buddy..even if we are miles apart.

All these days, I din't call you as i thought you would be busy with CA prep. Moreover, I doubt that i wouldnt have even told at least 50% of what i wrote here to you in reality.


I wanna meet you too. Time and place. You tell hokay ? How about a movie at s2 and then food at dominoes or that briyani shop. We can spend quality time there.

Its been ages since i opened up my heart to someone. We can share our feelings and who knows, we can feel better after that.... :)

I guess i really shud sleep. I have exam in friday.. Last exam.

I thought of calling you and saying all these.. But i would surely forget and it would seem awkward if i told you these....

Take care buddy.. Im with ya ! <3

May almighty bless us and May goodness be bestowed upon all of us.

In real, I may look as a Fat short un attractive Lazy shyyyyy guy.. In real, when we meet, I might not even talk to you like how i spoke now.. But i always love you brotha !!

As I said, You are always inside ma heart, Even if we are miles apart.

Thanks for being my friend FATSO !!!

Looking forward to meet you soon :D

One thing which hasnt changed ever since we met each other..... My english. !!! :D
Horrible na  :D :D


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