Just Another Post #1

Just Another Post #1

Just Another Post #1

Lately, I have been reading a lot of books.No,Not the College books..But,story books !
Call me a bookworm, I don't care,for i just love to read books. I don't read books of a particular genre. I read random books. Say fiction,Literature,Humor, etc. You know bloggie, sometimes I regret wasting so much of time in the past. I whiled away the precious time by spending it on wrong persons, un-necessary things and activities. I wish I could go back to the past via a time machine and punch myself so hard that I gain a little bit of sense. But people used to say right, "Everything Happens for a reason". I'm also thankful to god that atleast now i got my Mind,Body and Soul under control and in Harmony with each other.

Bloggie, Do you have any idea about the number of books that I had read during the past six or seven months ??
I don't think you would even have a faintest idea about that, cause you never knew that i had a inkling for books did you ?
Anyways, Umm.. I have read approximately 85 books. No, I'm not kidding.
Eighty-Five-Effing-Books !

I'm not going to be modest like the other bibliophiles by saying that i don't keep track of the number of books read.
Ofcourse, I do keep track of it. I care about the statistics. Sometimes, it makes me feel very very guilty and angry on myself that I'm reading books  just for stats rather than for the knowledge and pleasure that i would derive from them. But I never would like to let the pessimistic side of me get the better of saner part of me. So in order to boost my satisfaction and crush the pessimism growing inside my mind, I decided to write the essence or the moral of the each and every book that I read, In a special diary.
Books are my friends.
The only difference being, Friends voice their opinions,advice  by speaking to us verbally whereas Books teach us lessons and guide us through 'words'.
Whenever I come across a beautiful line , I immediately jot it down in my diary for future reference.

Sometimes I feel ashamed that, despite the mammoth time i invest in reading books, I still feel that my writing skills, Choice of words/Vocabulary, Speaking skills haven't improved much. I feel let down by this fact.
But, I never will let go of this reading habit. I will continue to read as many books as possible and will try to improve these skills. Nothing is impossible. Yeah, Cliche as it may sound. But not many realize the true potential of ourselves. Some people ridicule me that My english is poor and not upto the mark. Yes, It infuriates me sometimes. But I just keep calm and composed, because I'm atleast Trying whether they aren't !
I'm always one step ahead of them.

When you go to higher places in life, People below you, tend to be pessimistic and always wish for you to falter ,so that they can rejoice on your failure. Remember this, don't expect anyone to motivate you to reach your goal or cheer you for having achieved the goal. In this world, there are no Enemies and there are no Friends. You are on your own. You fight you battles and You win them. Throughout your journey in life, Naysayers will always be there to slow you and irritate you. During those times, you have to be clear of what your goal really is. Whether to talk back/retaliate against them or just walk past those people,  towards your goal.

Yes, My english might not be as good as yours. I don't talk fluently like how you do. But, One thing is for sure. Nothing is Permanent in this world.
Okay, now let me talk about it in general.

We are born alone and we die alone. Only through love and Realtionships, we create the illusion for the moment that we aren't.

At some point , we lose the most important people in our life, the bonds we share with people, the things we possess, both the materialistic and non materialistic.
 We just can't deny this fact. We all should be well aware of it.

The Girl/Guy who promised  today that she/he would always be there for you might not be with you tomorrow. No, I'm not being pessimistic. I'm just being realistic.
Same applies for Time. You might being going through a lot of struggles and hardships in life today. But there is no guarentee that they will continue tomorrow. So the key is to focus on the present rather than brooding over the past or wondering over the future.
The time and concentration that you invest in thinking about the future, If you invest that in the present, It would make wonders.

Success and Failure are two sides of a Coin. They always co-exist.
One must learn to be Modest during triumph and to be determined during failure.

Many people are crestfallen not because of their inability to execute or perform a work, but because of the naysayers around them. They feel hurt everytime the people around them bombard them with de-moralizing statements and jibes.
To those people out there, pay heed to this;

Do you remember how newton came up with the 3 Famous laws of motion ?

"Apple" ! Yes, You guessed it right. He was fascinated by the event of apple falling down from a tree. He later regarded that phenomenon as Gravitational Pull.

Likewise, In your life, As you grow, as you reach greater heights in life, Naysayers who are like gravity, tend to pull you down back to the ground. But has gravity ever stopped us from reaching such daunting heights? No ! We have launched numerous Rockets,Satellites into space from the earth against the gravitational pull. How was it possible? We sent Space shuttles into space with the help of rocket boosters and fuel powered thrusters. The Fuel is your Domain knowledge and the Boosters are your Will power and Grit/Confidence.

You get it ? I know, that example was so weird. But its the least good one that my brain could come up at this time.

Its 2:34am.
I really don't care what time it is really. I felt like writing, and hence this post.
As I always say, please don't mind the typo errors.

To conclude, I just would like to say that, Despite the numerous negative energy that thrive around me, I will be un pertubed by that and will strive to become a better version of myself than how i was the previous day.

In life, The only comeptitor you have is Y-O-U.

How about a Poetic Climax to this Post?!

 " Failure is the least thing you would expect,

Be it in your Life, Love or Career,

You always want everything to be perfect.

But there will always exist a hurdle or barrier,

That will stop you, hurt you or Stab you.

'Down you come", will cry the people around.

Cuz they yearn to see you fall to the ground.

But Never shall you rest ,

For you will always be put to test.

Afraid not, when the demons surround you.

For, both the Angel and the Devil reside inside your soul !!

 Feed yourself with Goodness, and thus angel shall thrive.

Else, die will the soul, for the devil inside shall never let you survive !! "

Good Night
Peace Out.


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