Book writing on the cards !

It's been several eons since I last posted in this blog No matter how many promises I make to myself, to post stuff In this blog, I fail miserably to keep up them.

Lately, I have been under enormous stress. Yes, You guessed it . Work Pressure. Just one week into my Second Year and I already feel the heat. I have to go to college 6 days a week and the remaining one day, Sunday, they give me Million assignments to write and also conduct tests on Monday for which I have to study.

Looking at the the Positive side, I feel happy that I have so much of work to do and I secretly wish to God that He will keep me Busy like this all the time. It's perhaps the only way I could distract myself from the Heart wrenching episode that happened in my Life.

Also, Thanks to the Books which keep me occupied all the time. It's the only way I could escape the Horrible reality . Books have been my true companions ever since That  Happened . They remind that it isn't the end . Every time I see my own Goodreads Profile, I never fail to be surprised at my own achievement. I have read 56 books in a space of 3 months. It really might not seem like an achievement, but considering what I have been through, It really is !

I always wanted to be a writer. Not with the intention of Being Famous and to Earn money. But for self-satisfaction. Everyone departs the world at a certain point in life, Its not how or when we leave the world, but What we leave behind, That's the thing that matters. I don't want to be remembered, I want to be missed. Everyone has a story to tell , I too have one. I Don't intend to publish it and sell million copies of it. But Something in my heart urges me to write .

But one thing I'm sure, I will surely write a book sooner or later.
Yup. You heard me 


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