Smartphones - Greatest Illusion in Life

Dear Blog, I have a confession to make.

Ever-since i got hold of a smartphone, I started to show more interest in it more than anything.
I remember buying my first smartphone, which was Moto E. I got it the day it was launched in flipkart.Of-course my parents were a little hesitant about getting me a smartphone,Especially my dad.But after heated discussions with dad,i convinced him to buy me a smartphone as it was "Essential" or an integral part of my life. got my Mobile 3 days after i ordered it. For the first few days,I was fiddling with it all night.My mom too advised for the last time, and asked me to take care of my life as everything was in my hands.She couldnt say more,she knew that,I,being an 18 year old ,know whats good and whats not ! For a week i was so excited about the mobile and At that time,I dint have any sort of guilt feeling even when i wasted hours fiddling with it.I felt that it was a necessary gadget,as it helped me to "Connect" with my peers and Relatives and ofcourse ,with my parents, when i was away from home.But as Months passed,My behavior changed and so did my attitude.I started to spend more time with my mobile more than anything else.I started to disobey my mother. When she used to call me for helping her with some house chores, i used to ignore her and play with my mobile or chat with a person in whatsapp.At that moment, i Really dint think about how my mother would feel at that moment. "The feeling of being ignored by someone who you loved almost all your life" .That is pure pain.God knows how my mother would have felt at those instances.Likewise, I started to show less importance on the things/events around me.I started Whatsapping even during Lunch,Dinner. I used to Switch on television and sit on sofa with mobile in hand and do some stuff with it.To be crisp, My whole lifestyle changed.I lived a "Materialistic Life".Smartphone did became an integral part of my everyday life.Where ever i used to go,I always had my smartphone with me.Having a latest smartphone in hand,with the latest Android OS,I really couldnt resist downloading apps. I downloading lots of apps.Facebook,Instagram,Twitter to name a few. I Started using all these apps.Thus the time i spent with my smartphone was so high.My parents too dint bother advising me as they knew it would upset me.All they can do is advice.Because at the end of the day,we are the ones who are responsible for the results of our actions.So having no one to scold me for using smartphone all day ,all night, I started taking things a lil bit higher.I Started to Facebook.I sent requests to all the people who i know.Sometimes,People used to message me in whatsapp and Facebook to whom i replied. There were times when no one used to message me.Yet,I dint have the mind to keep my phone away.I used to Scroll down endlessly on the "Newsfeed" section. To pass time,I used to take pictures of myself,so called "Selfie" and post it on Facebook and Instagram.And when people liked my photos and complimented me,I felt a sense of pride and happiness.Also,Being an 18 year old,I really couldn't resisting watching porn.Dear blog,i know its a sensitive topic to touch.But this is a confession! So I really dont want to have anything in my mind.I used to Download such videos, and watch them when no one was around.But having such Videos and photos in mobile is kind of dangerous.Because,when your Parents or friends see such stuff in your mobile,they will have a negative impression on you.And there it started ! I stareted showing discrepancy.I Put a screen lock also downloaded an app called "app lock" where in i can stash my porn videos and pictures of nudity there and lock the app with a password.I totally agree with the saying,"an idle mind is an evil mind". !

Today, 18-4-2015

Blog, Today i stand before you as a changed man.I no longer use Whatsapp,Facebook,Instagram,Twitter. I use my phone just for the purspose for which they were
discovered. A series of small events in my life led to this. Im in no hurry to finish this post, so Im always ready to share with you blog. :)
Everyday, I used to go to college in MTC bus.Sometimes i go in AC bus, sometimes, in normal bus.I really dint like to stand in bus stand till the Appropriate bus arrives.In reality, The buses usually come often like once in 30 seconds like that.But there were times when the busses took longer time to arrive.Even though the buses eventually come just a few minutes late, I used to curse the bus driver and god for keeping me waiting for 2 minutes WHICH i considered it to be a long time.
I board the bus and get ticket.I find a seat wherein i can sit.I take out my smartphone,plug in my earphones and listen to songs all the way to college.During the journey,i also used to observe the people who get in and get out of bus.As soon as they sat in bus,They take out their mobile phones and typing stuff,Probably messaging to their dear ones/friends.They never seem to take their eyes off their smartphone.I Smirk at them and used to think, "Its early morning, and look at what
these people are doing at this time! All the time they immerse their heads in mobilephones.What is the need for them to message or see facebook in early morning". While getting down, I realized ! I started asking myself questions. "What is the difference between you and them? You too use your mobile all day,you too go to facebook and chat with people for no reason. So why are you irritated when you see people with phones all the time? " I really couldnt answer any of these questions.
There arised , a feeling of guilt ! My other part of me was still bombarding me with questions i really couldnt answer."Are you an addict? Can you survive a single day without any Electronic Gadgets? ". When i reached home in evening,Mom served me with food.I switched on TV and sat in chair.When my sight fell on my mobile phone which was on the table,Involuntarily,My hands reached out for them and i started to check for Messages in facebook and whatsapp.The Guilt Feeling in me started to act, a thought suddenly striked my mind, "Whoa. Am i an addict ? ". I quickly kept the phone away. And continued to eat my food seeing tv. As soon as i finished my meal, I again started to think about facebook and whatsapp. There were times, even when i had nothing to do, I was fiddling with my mobile.
One day i woke up with a descicion to end this addiction. I took a vow not to tocuh my mobile the whole day. But I failed miserably. When i dint have the mobile, All my thoughts were similar, like, "I should check my messages,some one might have messaged me" . These thoughts dint allow me to stay out of mobile.But Somehow,I managed to pick myself again. I imposed my self a ban on whatsapp and facebook and such social "netowrking" sites and apps. TO be honest, the first few days, I found it difficult to keep up with that.BUT i dint break the promise that i had made on myself.As a matter of fact,I Had lot of free time. It was at that time, I realized how smartphones sucked the Time out from my life. In order to keep myself occupied and not allow the bad thoughts creep up my mind, I started watching English Movies. I have a Brother who is a Movie Buff ! He knows about almost every Hit movie.He is well versed with the movie names,the directors and also the cast of such movies.He Gave me a couple of movies for me to watch. All my life, i really hadn't seen much english movies. I did. But only when me and my family go to cinema, which was of-course once in a blue moon.I found every movie to be awesome and there started my thrist for english movies.My brother used to give me lots of movies,ranging from Classics to Latest Hit movies. Every day i used to watch atleast 2 movies.During Weekends, 5 Movies. Time flew ! to be honest ! I really dint bother taking up my mobile phone and checking the messages and Notifications.My intrest on mobile phones lessened.I could feel that.I grabbed that opportunity and dint think for a second when i uninstalled all the apps.I sensed a feeling of prideness within me when i uninstalled those apps.

Days passed. Weeks passed. and here iam now. Right before you blog.As of now,i have gone a month without those so called "Social" Networking apps , Smartphones.
I Realized that Life is actually out of the 6inch Screen! I used feel lonely sometimes. even when i had 300 friends in facebook and 150 contatcs in whatsapp, I was alone ! The moment i switch off the mobile phone, I feel as if im trapped in a dark room and smartphone is the door to way out. All these days, I have been living a false life. I assumed that Happiness can be derived only from smartphones and apps in it. Rarely,I used to go out without mobile phone, At those moments i used to have
an empty feeling. Everything around me appeared dull and less interesting. That showed how much influence these smartphones had on me.It controlled my life.It uses us more than we use them. These Facebook and whatsapp makes us feel that we have a lot of friends. But in reality, we are all alone by ourselves. First few days after vowing not to use facebook and whatsapp, i used to feel scared. i used to think,"What if somebody messaged us regarding urgent matter" and questions like that but after a few weeks, i realized that it was no big deal. Afterall,What could you possibly miss? Messages from your Friends asking you about the portions to study and Forward messages from cousins,relatives. So i really dint feel the bite. I was pretty satisfied with my self and my overall morale was pretty
high.I became more confident on my abilities. Yes, The problem with the youngsters of this genreation is that, they rely on the ability of smartphones rather than their own ability.I remember the words of my College Principle. "In my days, we used to remember the contact number of atleast 35 people.We dint have fancy phones like
you guys, we had a basic phone which you guys term it as "Vintage". But, you youngsters, You cant even remember a single number other than your own.You rely on your smartphone. Even to do basic math , you use the help of the calculator app rather than using your brain. Similarly, Social Interactions were reduced to "Whatsapp Messages". Gone were the times where people actually used to ask directions to stangers on road. People started using "Google maps" to find their way to places. These things may be a big deal but as a result of such stuff, the interactions between the persons reduced. Nowadays,while going in a metro or bus, Every one is busy with their own life. Almost everyone can be seen with a smartphone in their hand.The Youngsters of this generation feel that talking or starting a conversation with random people as "Awkward". They find it weird when some one tries to talk to them.They try to avoid such interactions and get hold of their mobile and do something with it.Even Movie theaters arent spared.Recently i went to watch a movie with my mother. I observed the people around me. They were people of all ages.But they had one thing
in common.Yeah its obvious isnt it? Smartphones ! I could see the person infront of me updating his facebook status "Watching FF7 @XYZ cinemas". Seriously? Who cares about his wherabouts! It is really necessary for him to update his status. Throughout the movie, i could see people around me, typing some thing in thier mobile and switching off the screen for a while before the pick em up and type shit. Its things like these which make me show hatred towards such people.These events made me wake up.I really dint want to be one of them. I wanted to live a life without such smartphones which control our life without our knowledge.I wanted to be the odd one out. I wanted to enjoy what is called LIFE. I'm happy having a phone with no whatsapp and facebook. I dont care if people call me old fashioned/traditional or weird.Little did they know that,Smartphones are sucking their lives slowly.I'm happy with the decision i made.At any point in life, I wont regret it. I have little more to share but i guess this is too big for a post. I hope you guys atleast got a tinge of what i'm trying to imply. As i said, I want to use phone for the sole purpose it was was invented for.

Thank you dear blog for being with me even during the hard times, now my mind feels light after talking to you. :) I'm not a perfect guy now. I do have my own imperfections,but i will always try to improve myself for the better till the end. :)


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