Road to Recovery ! Part 1

Who am I ?
Why was I born ?
What is my duty?
Why should I live?

Ever wondered why you were born in this world ? Do you even know what you are supposed to do in your life?

I don't know how far my post will create an impression in your mind. You may find it good and interesting  or you may even find it to be lame and pointless. But I wish it triggers your mind to think for the betterment.


There are 3 most important stages in a persons life.

1. Youth - Where one usually dreams  a lot about his future.
2. Middle Age - Where one usually finds himself drowned in work, family etc
3. Old Age - Where one retires from work and spends the rest of his life happily by relaxing.

Lets first talk about the Youth age.

This age comprises of the teenagers and post teenage persons (20-30)
Generally, Such persons dream a lot ! Yes, they  dream a lot about their  future.
So how exactly do these people define their "future" ?
  People want their future to be Cool and Awesome. Ofc which teen guy doesn't want his future to be great. They want to Get into a High Paying job , Earn lots, Live in a huge mansion , own a couple of luxury cars, Houses etc , Get hitched to a Beautiful Sweet Girl and Have Cute babies with her and enjoy the  rest of the life with his family. 
Do you agree? Almost cent percent people of this age dream about typical things like these. They want to Settle in Life and Live Happily.

The first thing to note is that, They define their happiness with things and people. They want Big House, Money, Wealth, Lovely Girl etc.

The second thing to note is that, They care ONLY about themselves. !!
Does anyone think of the society they live in? Do they think of the people around them?

Now here comes the Middle age,

Middle age is where people get busy with their work and family commitments. They toil in office for hours, months and years ... for what? ...Only to Full-fill their so called "Dreams" .
They keep on working to earn money to sustain in life. They earn , So that they can keep their near and dear ones happy . They earn, to get stuff which would make them happy.

The first thing to notice here is that, Middle age is a huge chunk of life. It is the quintessential phase of a persons life where in one creates a new identity for himself, a phase where in one stands in his own legs (In-dependently) and Live his life. This phase is between 30-55 years of age.

The second thing to note is, The person still has that tinge of selfishness in him. He wants to work and earn so that HE can sustain in life. He wants to earn so that he can keep his WIFE and KIDS happy. Does he care about the society ? Does he even bother about the poor and needy ?

At last, the final phase of our Life, " The Old age"

By this stage, the person would have either achieved his dreams and goals or would have failed in them but somehow managed to sustain in life. Such people retire from their job . They lose their Energy. They get both physically and mentally tired. Some would live the rest of their life with their progeny while some would choose to live alone happily without troubling their kids. They literally spend the last days of their life by simply whiling away the time .

Even at this stage, Do they care about the Poor? Do they even think about them ?

What I want to imply is that,

" Almost every person around me is like a machine/Robot. A robot is the one which can be programmed to do a particular work and it can be switched off when it completes the particular task.

All you people, Yes, people who are reading this post, do you have any idea about the purpose of your life?
You are born , You eat, you grow up, you study, you join school ...then college then a company, Earn money to get things you desire,  Marry some girl, Work till you get old and then you retire and finally you depart this world.

Is this even called Life?? I mean does "Life" mean only this ?


Here is what I feel about Life ,

Unlike others, I don't want to lead a typical mundane life. To be more precise and straightforward,
I never want to marry. It might sound corny. Yes ofc it does. But I will never marry a girl. See, All this Love, Wedding, Family is like a trap . My wings will be clipped off the moment I get hitched to a girl. My priorities in life would change. Despite my eagerness and will power to achieve worthy thing in life , the track where in I go will tend to slow me down.

Look, I'm 19 and I have Millions of dreams, ambitions and goals. Well , you might be wondering what sort of dream would an 19 year old  have. I don't dream about fancy cars, Posh house, Money, wealth etc.
All I care is about the society where in live.
I don't care about myself. I care about the people around me.

I figured out the purpose of MY life. Its simple. God gave life to me for a reason. My birth wasn't a mistake. He has entrusted me with responsibilities. I have a job to do . No, its not the typical job which you people do. I have the job of protecting the people....Uplifting the society.. Helping the needy...Protect the supressed and oppressed, save the people from danger, helping them at any cost.

I don't really need to be a Superhuman to do all these. I just need to be humane enough to do it.

" The two most important days in your life are the day you are born..
and the day you find out 'why' !  "

People who I mentioned above, such people merely exist . They don't live.
It doesn't matter when you die and how you die, All it matters is that what you did while you were alive. I want to leave my mark on the society where I live. I have that burning desire to do something for the people around me. As they say " What you do for yourself stays with you, What you do for others, Stays Immortal " . I want to help as many people as possible.
Generally when the topic of helping poor people comes, the first thing which comes to our mind is the money!
Do we have money to help? How can I give them money if I myself don't have !
Questions like these pop up. Get rid of all those stereotypes. You don't really need to be a rich person to help a poor person.
There are numerous way to help a person. You can Educate a child, Spend time with the autistic kids, Feed poor people etc.

You might say, "Why should we do all these? "

Seriously ?? If we don't, then who will?
This is the problem with the people of today. Despite the fact that Poverty exists in India, No one seem to be bothered about it. Everyone are selfish. They have an Egoish attitude. All they care  is only about themselves.
They want to be happy, They want to earn lots of money, They want to lead a great happy life.

Humans with no Humanity ! That's the scenario of the current society.

I'm really worried about the future. Is this the world that the great leaders like Gandhi dreamed of ??
Abdul Kalam Sir wanted India to be a developed nation by 2020, but I don't think we would be developed by then... even Half-developed !

My future is Un-certain and I'm aware of that. I might live a Million years or Might even die the next day. But whilst I live, I want to do something to the society. I cant be insensitive to the surroundings like others.

I don't need money to help people, I just need to have the heart. I'm 19 and I have made a decision.
I never want to marry and lead a boring life. Some might argue what has marriage got to do with philanthropy. You still don't get it do you? Once you get hitched, Your entire life will revolve around 3,4 Persons. You will be inside a constricted circle from which you can never escape. As I said before, Family would be your top priority. You have to work your ass off for years to sustain and maintain the family . And Child rearing is another pain in the ass !
That is Goddamn typical right? I feel that such a life isn't worth it. What is the difference between an animal and human then ?
Life has got to be much more than that right ?

This is the Part 1 of the Road to Recovery .

Though the Subject which I have discussed till now has no connection with the post title, It does have a connection.  You will soon find out that in the second part of this discussion.


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