New Found Love - Books

I serious dunt have any idea of what happened to me .

Suddenly i developed interest in reading BOOK's ! A lot of interest !
From a guy who spent almost all his time Sleeping and Watching Movies , I have suddenly turned into a geeky nerdy guy overnight! I wont be surprised if some witch cast a spell on me. Because the only books which i have ever touched in life was my college text books.(Note that i mentioned 'Touch' not 'read' :P ) . I seriously never imagined myself hungry for reading books. Recently, I enrolled myself in a Library near my house. I borrowed a couple of random books by indian authors and i started reading them. To be honest, after reading the first few pages, I started to doubt my confidence. I doubted whether i would really stick to the book and finish it or just forget about it like i always would. But by the grace of Mother of Books , I started finishing off the books at one go. When i approach the final few pages, i get over excited and stat to read fast and eventually wrapping it up in a couple of minutes. In the end, I feel so Proud of myself and i feel like i had almost slayed 1000 warriors single handedly and im the only guy left. Really ! Everytime i finish reading a book,  I feel so satisfied about myself. It makes me happy. And guess what, Its Pure, Un-adultrated , genuine Happiness from the core of my tiny little heart :)

I would like to recall a incident that happened to me recently, (well not exactly recent but though it happened a couple of months ago, i really feel like it happened just a week back)

One fine Sunday Morning, I received a text from someone. As soon as i heard the Text message Tone, I wondered who would 'Text' me as people of today have moved on to a new trend of using Whatsapp. With doubts about the sender lingering in my mind, I pick up my phone from bed and see.

It was from my Class Teacher.

(I really dont want to reveal the name. Its not that he is some 'Wanted-criminal-on-the-run' ... I just dont want to tell his name. You know, Like the articles which come in newspapers. " Raju (Name Changed) was nabbed by the police and was put behind bars" . Okay, Im deviating a lot from the subject)

It read,

Hello Siddharth. How are your exam Preparations Going? I hope you are studying well. The First Semester is coming to an end. I loved to be your class teacher. I also appreciate the work you did being a Class-Rep. I also would like you reward you by giving you a gift. Tell me what you Like "

The moment i finished reading this , tears filled up my eyes ! (Okay that was over-exaggerated..But i kinda felt emotional).

In the first place, I never expected HIM to send a message to ME.  I wouldn't have been this happy even if my long-lost ex send me a text. I was lost for words. I was overwhelmed by his sudden shower of love on me.
Second, He said he appreciates me for the work i did as a Class Rep. When i read that, I was like, "Seriously?" . He sounded as if i was an overworked-honest-strongwilled Guy who toils all day in class, and so serious about his job and the enormous responsibility attached to it. A sense of guilt crept inside my mind. Poor guy, He really did Respect me a lot. A lot.
When i read the last few words, i was ecstatic. A Zillion things striked my mind.
(Xbox-GamesCD's-New laptop-Jersey of Ronaldo ec cetra). I really took that last sentence of him seriously :P

It took a couple of minutes for me calm down. I really should reply to this. So i started to think more sensibly. But the poor pea brain of mine couldn't offer anything but shitty lame things.

So i texted back.   Im really flattered by your comment. It was a pleasure to be a student of you. ( Obviously that was a big fat lie ! ) Yes, Im preparing well for the exams ( a lie again ) . To be honest, I really don't want to trouble you sir. Your compliment itself was a great gift to me sir. I also appreciate your concern about me sir, Because there is no need for a professor like you to send a text to a student. Im so Happy sir . " 

 As soon as i sent the message, i was pretty happy that what i sent seemed a bit Sweet . Okay. Im gonna be brutally honest with you. Actually, I REALLY wanted to sound sweet. Because i wanted him to feel like that. So that he would like me even more and send me a really good gift. I know it seems desperate. But. Leave it. Soon enough, the reply came.

It read, " Ah. So sweet. Okay.since you haven't said about what you want, I would like to give you a book . Is it okay for you? Tell me what kind of book you read" 

It wasn't the kind of reply i was expecting but, nevertheless, he would atleast get me something!
I started to think of what book i really would like to read...It was at that moment i realized that i actually don't even read books ! I felt so embarrassed and shameful. I really dint want to reply that i don't read books. With nothing in my mind, I somehow managed the situation by sending him " I don't really read books often sir. However i love to read Car Magazines " .

He sent me a reply quickly which read " You don't read much books? It seems you don't know the pleasures of reading a book. A good book is like a friend. Anyways thanks Siddharth. Keep studying well. All the best for your exams " .  

I felt a little bit guilty. This was one of the incidents which made me to cultivate the habit of reading books. Now i feel pleased with the efforts of myself.

When i read a book, The whole world around me shut-down automatically. I totally immerse myself into the book. It's a whole new feeling that i have never experienced before in my life. Even when i spend hours reading a book, i don't feel guilty at all. I feel that i have Utilized my time. A phrase which has never escaped from my mouth. I guess you people must have heard or come across the website Goodreads .  I signed up in that. I also took the Book Reading Challenge. I Challenged myself to read 40 Books by the end of 2015. Which i feel was the best Challenge i ever imposed myself upon.

Right now, I feel so happy about myself.  Because, At the end of the day, Happiness is all that matters ! :)  Also, Not being on Whatsapp and Facebook ec cetra also has given ample time for me to read books. I guess my life is going on a good track. 

Last but not the least, I thank The Almighty for blessing me with everything . 
I will continue to be happy and make others happy ! :) 


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