IT is a Girl Job ! - Personal Opinion

" To be Number 1, You have to be Odd "

Seriously Guys ! Im starting to hate these IT companies and also the persons who work there ! 
IT companies Employ Thousands of Engineers and treat them as Puppets ! These Engineers too Dance to whatever the Company Asks them to do ! The employees are Literally like Toys to the Companies. The companies Employ them, Use them, Get the job done, Pay a small Money as Salary and Finally Chuck them out if they aren't needed anymore ! whats more Shocking is that, People continue to Opt for such Jobs and work for those Companies ! 

Im living near near SIPCOT which is an IT company Hub ! 
There are more than 30+ IT companies there and imagine the number of  Employees working there !

Every time i walk along the road i could only see those IT chicks and Guys who literally work there JUST to woo the girls and Flirt with em ! 
(psstt..have to admit ...IT chicks are quite hot too ;) *tight Formal Shirts*tight pants*Long curly hair* 

:P Im Straying away from the topic I guess !

Im just angry on the Students !! Yes . Let me tell you the reason !

Every year , Lakh of students pass out of School and More than half of them get enrolled in Engineering College while the Remaining Percentile opt for Medical !

These Students who chose Engineering, take up Courses like CSC, IT,EEE,ECE,CIVIL .

Now the Most Astonishing fact is more than 80% of these Students end up getting placed in IT companies !! Seriously Man ! My question to all those who took ECE , EEE and Finally chose to work in IT companies !! 
*WHY the hell u chose to study EEE to work in a goddamn IT company ?? 

Seriously I'm Pissed ! These Guys lack vision and Aim !! 
They Chose ECE because they loved the course but what made them to work in IT companies ! 
Why do they shift to IT ?
Why dont they work in Core Companies/Industries ??
A friend of mine who always wanted to Work in Some Luxurious car company now Sitting infront of a Computer and Typing Gibberish in the name of Coding ! 
What made him to Choose that and why ?

These are some of the questions Lingering in my mind and Im Hopeful that someday i Find Answers to My questions ! 

Once while travelling in a Bus, A guy in Formals with his ID card swinging over his Chest came and sat in the Seat beside me ! I Carefully observed him ! He Seemed to be a Young Guy/ Fresher working for TCS ! 
I moved closer to him and Started Chatting with him ! 

I asked a Few Questions ....Like ..

"Dude...You have joined TCS soon after you Finished You college ! So you are planning to lead the rest of your life with the Knowledge you gained in those 4 years ?? "

He smiled and Replied that Every once in a while he receives training from from the Company for the job they are required to do 
And i Enquired him about the Job and for that that Noob Laughed !! and replied with a Cheeky Grain saying " Dude ! The job is just a piece of cake. Today...I just sat before a Computer , Typed some shit and Now im On my Way to Home ! " 

I was Literally Like -_- !! How cheap and He should actually be Ashamed to do that !

These IT companies have their Clients in Foreign Nations and those Clients Pay Millions of Dollars for the Job rendered by those IT companies which Employ Persons by Offering them Meager salary when compared to the Profits they Achieve ! 

IT jobs are for girls !! They are Easy Paying Jobs  ! 

Man seriously i would never settle for these IT jobs in my life !! Never ! 
i would love the Guys of today to Work in Core industries rather than IT companies ! 

#note :  I seriously have no idea why i chose to Write about this topic ! Yet it was one of the feelings i always had ! I just get irritated on the people settling for these Bore Computer Jobs just for Money !
You need to have an ambition in you !Dont go for a job which offers you a Lucrative salary! Go for the job which Gives you Self Satisfaction and Happiness !  Dont be like a Sheep in a Flock and rather be The Herdsman !
Create your own Identity !! Never settle for anything less than what you aspire for ! 
Think Different and Be different ! Stand out from the Rest of the People ! Be the Person who everyone will Look up to ! Be an Example to everyone around you ! Be YOU !!

Sid ! 


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