Happiness ?!

Happiness is something which can't be defined. It is a Feeling. 

But I don't think people see it that way. 

People of today have changed a lot. Their Preferences,  opinions,  Perspectives have changed. When I was a little kid, I used to run/roam around my Mom, Smiling and laughing. I din't have a reason to smile. I just had a huge smile plastered on my face and I was Happy. But as I grew up, I started to associate happiness with Things. When I set my sight on a Cool toy or a play thing, I pester my mom so much, till she obliges to buy me that. I wanted to buy that, as I thought it would make me happy.

When I was a kid, I was Happy for No reason. But as I grew up, I needed reasons to be happy.

During My teenage, Like everyone else of my age group,  I too had crush, Love etc on the opposite sex. I was attracted to the other person. I started to fantasize about her. I imagined myself living a life with her. I was literally mad on her .
But When she was no longer interested in me, I plunged to sadness. I cried for days, Months,years. 

God Blessed me with Wonderful, caring parents, Cool Friends, Food,Money Shelter. But at the end of the day, I was still worrying about that Person. That person who I loved dearly . That person who ditched me like i was nothing.

I realized how I have changed over the years -
First, I was happy for No Reason.
As I grew up, I associated Happiness with Things
When I was a teen, I gave the key to my Happiness to People.

 What is the Purpose of Life? I mean, What does everyone want in life? 
Happiness ! 

As I said Earlier, Happiness can't be defined. It's a feeling. Happiness doesn't come from people or Things. It comes from within. It's Pity that we people fail to understand a simple thing like this.

Life as we know, Is Un-predictable. We are all aware of that. The Un-expected pops out of nowhere in our life and surprises us.  
Sometimes, Happy Stuff happen in our life and like wise, Shit Happens. 

Never take Happiness or Sadness to the Heart. 
My mom used to say these words all the time. Golden words indeed. 

Feel a little bit sad. I wish the People of today change for the better. I wish people are happy without any reason .. just like how they were.. when they were a baby. 


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