Precept 1

The Precept for the Day:-

We carry within us,

the wonders we seek around us

My thoughts:

Isn't it strange?
We humans are always in constant pursuit of one thing or the other. we are always in need of something. I have come across people who often say , " I cant find happiness anywhere", "I don't think i have the capacity/ability to do this work" etc. Those people, little do they realize that they already have what they need, in themselves.

We often compare ourselves with the successful people and sulk about the inability of us to be like them. My question is, Why do we think like that? What makes us think like that?
In what way are we inferior to them? Did they land from outer space galaxies or did they just pop out of nowhere in earth?

We all have been blessed with the same abilities despite the physical differences.
It's not that the successful people are blessed with a much powerful brain.

The only difference is that, the successful people know how to channelize their thoughts in a particular field of interest and devise their plans accordingly.

A common mistake that ever person does is that he/she underestimates the innate power they possess. They doubt their own capabilities.


     Fear is the lock which we,ourselves use to lock up our potentials.
            and  Hope is the key which unlocks that :)


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