
Showing posts from 2016

The Never-ending Pursuit !

Will a man EVER be content in his life? . . . . I really don't know. Why is that we have this wavering mind? Why do we fail to make ourselves feel content with what we have at the moment rather than being in a constant pursuit of so many materialistic things in life? Like monkeys. we keep jumping from one branch to another throughout our life without settling in one. We are never  satisfied with the house, etc we have now. We always want more and more in life. Even an animal's gets it's appetite satisfied once it eats its prey. But we humans aren't. The more we eat, the more our appetite grows. Is this what Life is all about? Running behind these materialistic things ain't life. Life is all about being content and happy with what one has. Why buy 2,3 properties or 2,3 cars while you can be in only one place or use one car at a time ? What do people achieve by acquiring all these stuff ?                                              

Precept 1

The Precept for the Day:- We carry within us, the wonders we seek around us My thoughts: Isn't it strange? We humans are always in constant pursuit of one thing or the other. we are always in need of something. I have come across people who often say , " I cant find happiness anywhere", "I don't think i have the capacity/ability to do this work" etc. Those people, little do they realize that they already have what they need, in themselves. We often compare ourselves with the successful people and sulk about the inability of us to be like them. My question is, Why do we think like that? What makes us think like that? In what way are we inferior to them? Did they land from outer space galaxies or did they just pop out of nowhere in earth? We all have been blessed with the same abilities despite the physical differences. It's not that the successful people are blessed with a much powerful brain. The only difference is that, the successful people know

365 Days of Wonder

I just read the Introduction part of R.J Palacio's  365 Days of Wonder.    Something in it made me to pick up my Laptop,Open Blogger and write this post. Trust me, a 'Book', making me to do this, ain't a simple matter. This book consists of 365 precepts (One for each day of the year). Precepts means, " A General rule intended to regulate behavior or thought."  A thought occurred to me. Since this book consists of 365 precepts, why don't i write an essay about a particular precept everyday ?! For ever precept, I would write my views and opinions regarding it. Writing a Post a day doesn't seem to be much of a problem. So, why don't I start right away ? My thoughts on the First precept given in the book will be discussed in the next post.