
Showing posts from August, 2015

Road to Recovery ! Part 1

Who am I ? Why was I born ? What is my duty? Why should I live? Ever wondered why you were born in this world ? Do you even know what you are supposed to do in your life? I don't know how far my post will create an impression in your mind. You may find it good and interesting  or you may even find it to be lame and pointless. But I wish it triggers your mind to think for the betterment. ____ There are 3 most important stages in a persons life. 1. Youth - Where one usually dreams  a lot about his future. 2. Middle Age - Where one usually finds himself drowned in work, family etc 3. Old Age - Where one retires from work and spends the rest of his life happily by relaxing. Lets first talk about the Youth age. This age comprises of the teenagers and post teenage persons (20-30) Generally, Such persons dream a lot ! Yes, they  dream a lot about their  future. So how exactly do these people define their "future" ?   People want their future to be C